Research assistants are specialized tools that generate specific queries from just a few inputs. They apply typical filters and optimize inputs to increase the efficiency and accuracy of patent research. Our platform offers various assistants tailored to the different needs and requirements of users.

PatSearch - Einspruchsrecherche Patenteingabe


INTERGATOR Patent Search offers various assistants tailored to the different needs and requirements of users.

PatSearch - Neuheitsrecherche Texteingabe

In novelty search, documents that could affect the novelty of a patent application are specifically searched for. The text of the invention description or the draft of the application is used as a starting point to conduct a comprehensive search. By incorporating relevant keywords, the technical focuses of the search are strengthened, enabling a more precise and efficient identification of potentially similar or already existing inventions. This method ensures that all relevant documents are considered to confirm the originality and uniqueness of the new application.

  • Objective: Ensuring that the invention is indeed novel.
  • Inputs: Invention description or application draft.
  • Filters: Relevant keywords to enhance the search.
PatSearch - Einspruchsrecherche Patenteingabe

In opposition search, documents that can be used to challenge a granted patent are specifically searched for. The starting point of this search is the patent number of the patent against which opposition is to be filed. Only documents with a priority date equal to or older than that of the disputed patent are considered to ensure that all relevant prior art is included. Publications from the same applicant may optionally be preferred to enable a more targeted search. Additionally, WIPO technology domains can be used as filters for IPC classes to further refine the search and cover specific technological areas.

  • Objective: Finding documents to challenge a patent.
  • Inputs: Patent number of the patent to be challenged.
  • Filters: Priority date, documents from the same applicant, WIPO technology domains, relevant keywords.
PatSearch - Freedom to Operate Text

In a Freedom-to-Operate (FtO) analysis, existing patents are researched to identify potential legal barriers that could impede the development, production, and market launch of a new product in a specific geographic area. This analysis helps companies avoid potential patent infringements and ensure that their new products can be brought to market without legal conflicts.

  • Objective: Identification of legal barriers for new products.
  • Inputs: Description of the new product.
  • Filters: Relevant patents in the relevant area.

In monitoring search, the publication of initial patent applications in a specific technological field is continuously monitored. The starting point of this search is texts or publications that describe the technological field to be monitored in detail. Additionally, related patents within the same patent family as well as relevant citations are included to obtain a comprehensive picture of the developments. WIPO technology domains can be set as IPC class filters to further refine the search. The monitoring radius can also be specifically restricted by selecting certain patent offices and/or applicants to maximize the efficiency and relevance of the monitoring search.

  • Objective: Continuous monitoring of developments in a technological field.
  • Inputs: Descriptive texts or publications of the technological field.
  • Filters: Family members, citations, WIPO technology domains, specific offices and/or applicants.


The Opposition Research Assistant explained using an example

Step 1: Input of the patent number

The opposition search starts with entering a patent number. INTERGATOR Patent Search first checks whether it is a valid number and provides basic information about the corresponding patent. This verification ensures that the search starts on a solid foundation.

INTERGATOR Patent Search Eingaberecherche
INTERGATOR Patent Search Eingaberecherche

Step 2: Adding essential keywords

To enhance the search, INTERGATOR provides essential terms from the patent document that can be added to the query. These terms are thematically relevant and increase the precision of the search query by focusing on the central aspects of the patent document.

Step 3: Adding the applicant

In the next step, the applicant of the patent is included in the search query. This further strengthens the query and allows for a more targeted search for relevant documents associated with the applicant. This enables the identification of similar or related patents from the same applicant.

INTERGATOR Patent Search Eingaberecherche
INTERGATOR Patent Search Eingaberecherche

Step 4: Adding technology domains

Technology domains can be added to further enhance the search query. These domains, based on IPC classes, help to focus the search on specific technological areas. This reduces irrelevant results and ensures that the outcomes are within a relevant context.

Step 5: Generating a complex query

INTERGATOR Patent Search generates a complex query based on this information, leading to precise search results. Each element of the query can be adjusted afterward to further refine the search results. This flexibility allows for iterative refinement of the search, maximizing the relevance of the documents found.

INTERGATOR Patent Search Eingaberecherche